The Isaacus Query Language (IQL), a legal AI query language designed specifically for analyzing legal documents with AI systems, supports the use of templates, which are highly-optimized, reusable queries that abstract away the need to optimize new idiosyncratic prompts for individual models.

Templates may be invoked using the IS keyword followed by the name of the template and any number of required arguments enclosed in double quotation marks, for example, {IS confidentiality clause} or {IS clause entitling "Customer"}.

This page provides a list of currently available built-in templates for Isaacus models.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to use templates in practice, you can check out our introduction to IQL to get started. If you’re looking for a complete, formal definition of IQL, you can find that here. Also, if you’d like to suggest new templates or provide feedback on existing ones, please reach out.

It is important to note that the number of input tokens and statements in a template’s queries can change at any time without notice, so it is recommended that you check this page for the most up-to-date information. Currently, all of our templates use only a single statement, so we do not provide a column for that right now.

NameDefinitionSupported models (input tokens)
ADR clauseA contractual provision that either requires or allows disputes over the contract or a portion thereof to be resolved, at least initially, through alternative dispute resolution.kanon-universal-classifier (24)(24), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (34)(34)
Choice of venue clauseA contractual provision that specifies the jurisdiction (also referred in this context to as the venue or forum) in which disputes over the contract or a portion thereof should be resolved.kanon-universal-classifier (34)(34), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (41)(41)
ClauseA contractual provision.kanon-universal-classifier (16)(16), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (8)(8)
Clause called "<clause name>"A "<clause name>" contractual provision.kanon-universal-classifier (15)(15), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (15)(15)
Clause entitling "<party name>"A contractual provision that grants "<party name>" a right.kanon-universal-classifier (29)(29), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (16)(16)
Clause obligating "<party name>"A contractual provision that imposes a legal duty on "<party name>" to perform or refrain from performing an action.kanon-universal-classifier (31)(31), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (24)(24)
Clause that "<description>"A contractual provision that "<description>"kanon-universal-classifier (17)(17), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (11)(11)
Confidentiality clauseA contractual provision that restricts the use of confidential information, that is, information protected by a duty of confidence.kanon-universal-classifier (26)(26), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (22)(22)
Entire agreement clauseA contractual provision that asserts that the contract represents the entire agreement between the parties.kanon-universal-classifier (15)(15), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (20)(20)
Force majeure liability limitation clauseA contractual provision that limits the liability of a contracting party for a condition, set of conditions or all conditions beyond their control.kanon-universal-classifier (30)(30), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (21)(21)
Force majeure termination clauseA contractual provision that allows a contracting party to terminate the contract in the event of a condition, set of conditions or all conditions beyond their control.kanon-universal-classifier (36)(36), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (30)(30)
Governing law clauseA contractual provision that specifies the jurisdiction whose laws should govern the interpretation of the contract or a portion thereof.kanon-universal-classifier (26)(26), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (26)(26)
Indemnity clauseA contractual provision that requires a contracting party to indemnify, that is, compensate, other parties for certain losses, damages or liabilities.kanon-universal-classifier (17)(17), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (11)(11)
IP assignment or licenseA contractual provision that assigns or licenses intellectual property rights.kanon-universal-classifier (24)(24), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (20)(20)
Liability cap clauseA contractual provision that effectively “caps” a contracting party’s financial liability for certain losses or damages to an ascertainable, but not necessarily ascertained, monetary maximum.kanon-universal-classifier (23)(23), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (29)(29)
Liability limitation clauseA contractual provision that limits the extent of a contracting party’s liability for certain losses or damages.kanon-universal-classifier (37)(37), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (34)(34)
Non-compete clauseA contractual provision that restricts the ability of a contracting party to compete with a counterparty.kanon-universal-classifier (29)(29), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (24)(24)
ObligationA contractual provision that imposes a legal duty on one or more parties perform or refrain from performing an action.kanon-universal-classifier (18)(18), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (11)(11)
Payment clauseA contractual provision that clearly affects the amount of a payment or that clearly affects the manner in which or conditions under which payment may or may not be made.kanon-universal-classifier (23)(23), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (31)(31)
Relevant to AI lawA text that is clearly substantively (e.g., the concept is not merely mentioned in passing nor is the text merely a table of contents or list of citations) relevant to artificial intelligence law.kanon-universal-classifier (23)(23), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (16)(16)
Remedial clauseA contractual provision that entitles a contracting party to one or more specific remedies (pecuniary or otherwise; including but not limited to liquidated damages, late fees, specific performance, termination rights, step-in rights, etc…) in the event of non-performance of a contractual obligation or promise by a counterparty.kanon-universal-classifier (56)(56), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (32)(32)
Representation or warranty clauseA contractual provision that makes a representation or issues a warranty, or affirms a representation or warranty.kanon-universal-classifier (16)(16), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (24)(24)
RightA contractual provision that grants a right.kanon-universal-classifier (25)(25), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (15)(15)
Step-in rightA contractual provision that grants a contracting party the right to effectively “step-in” and assume responsibility for a counterparty’s obligations or otherwise take control of the performance or completion of those obligations.kanon-universal-classifier (37)(37), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (38)(38)
Termination clauseA contractual provision that empowers a contracting party to terminate the contract in certain circumstances.kanon-universal-classifier (19)(19), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (15)(15)
Termination for convenience clauseA contractual provision that allows a contracting party to terminate the contract for any reason.kanon-universal-classifier (29)(29), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (32)(32)
Unilateral clauseA contractual provision that imposes obligations on or grants rights to only one side of the contracting parties.kanon-universal-classifier (26)(26), kanon-universal-classifier-mini (32)(32)