This guide covers everything you need to know to be able to make direct requests to the Isaacus API. For a more user-friendly way of interacting with the Isaacus API, check out our Python SDK and its quickstart guide.

Obtaining access

To access the Isaacus API, you must:

  1. Have an active, email-verified account on the Isaacus Platform, which you can create here.
  2. Be subscribed to our zero flat fee, usage-based API plan, which you can do here (if you’ve unsubscribed to that plan, you can use that same link to resubscribe).
  3. Not have any overdue invoices, which you can pay here.
  4. Have an active API key, which you can generate here.

You can use your usage dashboard to monitor your usage of our API.


Any request to the Isaacus API must include an Authorization header in the format Bearer STICK_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE.

As an example, if your API key is iuak_v1_4242424242_42424242424242424242424242424242_42424242, then your Authorization header should be set to Bearer iuak_v1_4242424242_42424242424242424242424242424242_42424242.

Content type

All request bodies (e.g., POST requests) sent to the Isaacus API must be formatted as JSON and must have the Content-Type header set to application/json.

The Isaacus API will always respond in JSON.


The Isaacus API currently offers the following endpoints: